Restore your system's natural balance by strengthening the nervous system and bringing forward the health from within.
Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy helps release old patterns and trauma and allows you to move towards your true potential in life, with freedom. The technique is very subtle but the benefits can be profound.
Craniosacral Therapy can help with stress reduction, depression, trauma, shock, post-traumatic stress disorder, overwhelm, migraine headaches, central nervous system disorders, emotional difficulties, and overall holistic wellbeing.

Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy is a gentle hands-on healing modality that harmonizes the living system by bringing it back to its optimal state.
Through compassion, humility, and presence, the therapist invites resonance with something much deeper than our pain and suffering; the health within, which is never lost! This inherent health helps the client gently process pain and trauma in present time. There is no manual manipulation, and the body can be held in a safe space so that it can release long held trauma and tension.
Balance is restored to the system and its expression is more grounded and stable. The client re-orients to wellness and has resources to deeply process; to move gracefully and with more ease and purpose in life. The river of life pushes trauma away when it is stronger - together we bring the inherent health back to strengthen that current.
Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy is used to ease a number of symptoms and conditions. It regulates the nervous system and supports it in releasing trauma and tension, so the whole system of each being is restored back to its optimal health. The river of life inside us is flowing with less obstacles in its way! There is stronger potency and vibrance. This can have positive implications to our mental and physical health.
Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy can support healing for conditions like:
Psychogenic Non Epileptic Events
Functional Neurological Disorder
Long Covid
Chronic Fatigue
IBS, SIBO, and other gut related and microbiome issues
Chronic Pain
General Anxiety

Craniosacral Therapy can have restorative and healing effects to people of all ages and backgrounds.
It can be beneficial to mothers and newborns that have had a difficult birth experience. Through gentle holding for both mom and baby, tension is released and baby is more able to feed and sleep. Additionally, Craniosacral Therapy is appropriate for adults who had a traumatic birth and want to process it presently, in a safe holding relationship. Craniosacral is also very good for young people and teenagers with anxiety and other disorders, as it helps balance their nervous system and emotional state.
It deals quite efficiently with pre-verbal trauma and trauma that a person cannot speak of or prefer not to speak of. It can sometimes be too scary to talk about difficult things and craniosacral can help process challenges in our past, through the body and nervous system, without the need of revisiting them.
Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy invites the individual into a very gentle healing process, which can be quite profound.
The practitioner starts the session with a few questions, in order to understand the concerns and objectives of the client. Essentially, what one comes in with, and what one wants to get out of their session.
With the help of the practitioner, a safe, calm place is established from the client's memory or imagination before physical contact.
The practitioner introduces physical contact with light, still touch, firstly at the feet, where, with listening hands, the natural rhythms of the living form can be followed. Sometimes the client can feel those rhythms too, which can be very calming.
The body will then guide the practitioner on how to proceed, and which part would need contact next. The sacrum and cranium are usually held, as this is where the natural rhythms express, mostly through the movement of the cerebrospinal fluid.
Through the process of listening and holding empathetically, a state of healing arises in the deepest of levels. The client is calm and relaxed and is asked to notice what is happening throughout the process. The nervous system down-regulates and long held trauma is released. The body enters a state of a deeper relationship with inherent health and the natural rhythms of life.
We finish the session with an integrative, even more calming hold.
Client is fully clothed throughout the session and so requested to wear comfortable clothing.

Basia, MA, UKCP, RCST, has been practicing Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy since 2013. After becoming a registered practitioner in New York, she continued her studies with the Craniosacral Biodynamics pioneer, Franklyn Sills. This allowed her to deepen the quality of her presence and work. She has done many postgraduate classes and continues to do so. These involve working with particular parts of the body to deepen in the work even more, and also more specific workshops like Shock and Trauma Resolution; Pre and Perinatal Education for babies and new mothers, Microbiome, Long Covid. Basia's continuous curiosity and love for learning allow her to hold different types of stresses in the body and invite a sense of spaciousness and wholeness, in all life stages. Some of her teachers include Franklyn Sills, Katherine Ukleja, Sarah Nesling, Anne Stevens, Cherionna Menzam-Sills, Viola Sampson, Roger Gilchrist, Scott Zamurut.
Basia also holds a Master's Degree in Mindfulness-Based Psychotherapy or Core Process Psychotherapy, and is fully registered with UKCP. Mindfulness brings presence in our lives and bodies and thus helps us know and overcome our deepest trauma. Core Process Psychotherapy invites us to let go of long-held emotional patterns, and move through life from a place of freedom.
When she gets a chance she loves to scuba dive and experience the deep ocean tides first hand just as she experiences the fluidity of each being.
Basia offers her services in Belgravia, Kings Cross, and online.
She feels very grateful to be bringing healing and change to this world.